

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Rebecca Jawab Isu Fesyen Ketat Ala Teletubbies.

Sejak semalam, gambar mencolok mata Rebecca Nur Al-Islam tersebar meluas di media sosial. Pemakaian pakaian yang sendat dan ketat Rebecca dilihat sangat tidak sesuai dengan imejnya yang baru bertudung itu.

Sedar akan dirinya menjadi bualan orang ramai di media sosial, Rebecca telah memuatnaik gambar teletubbies berwarna merah dengan caption:

“There said I’m a Teletubbies..??? Anyway me and my daughter’s Love the TELETUBBIES?? Alhamdulillah, i notice that the photo circulated to the public was taken from my personal collection in my PRIVATE IG, which is not accessible by the public as it is Lock..

I assume that the circulation was made by my followers which intend to tarnish my  image for which this character assassination is much worst than the TELETUBBIES. 

Because of this one Silent Killer “FOLLOWER”, the public as made accusation which could result in them getting a Free sin??

God bless the Silent Killer.

I be my self trying my best to follow the truthful way of ISLAM??? Insha Allah, nobody is perfect??” - Buletin Malaya


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